Where does rsync keep the log file for complete and incomplete data transfers?

user1709815 picture user1709815 · Oct 24, 2012 · Viewed 85.6k times · Source

I want to get the IPs of all the destination devices where my data transfer using rsync could not be complete (or even start) as those devices are not connected to Internet or got disconnected while data transfer ...

My actual problem scenario is :

rsync -t Desktop/sony.pdf [email protected]: ssh: connect to host a.b.c.d port 22: No route to host

and I want the list of all such IPs where the data transfer could not be complted ...

the list of all IPs like 'a.b.c.d '


kbulgrien picture kbulgrien · Oct 24, 2012

You can say where the log file is (per the man page documentation):

--log-file=FILE         override the "log file" setting