Bash eval replacement $() not always equivalent?

Shenme picture Shenme · Oct 8, 2012 · Viewed 9.6k times · Source

Everybody says eval is evil, and you should use $() as a replacement. But I've run into a situation where the unquoting isn't handled the same inside $().

Background is that I've been burned too often by file paths with spaces in them, and so like to quote all such paths. More paranoia about wanting to know where all my executables are coming from. Even more paranoid, not trusting myself, and so like being able to display the created commands I'm about to run.

Below I try variations on using eval vs. $(), and whether the command name is quoted (cuz it could contain spaces)

  thecmd="\"${BIN_LS}\" -ld -- \"${thefile}\""

  echo -e "\n    Running command   '${thecmd}'"

          Running command   '"/bin/ls" -ld -- "arf"'
      ./ line 8: "/bin/ls": No such file or directory

  echo -e "\n    Eval'ing command  '${thecmd}'"
  eval $thecmd

          Eval'ing command  '"/bin/ls" -ld -- "arf"'
      /bin/ls: cannot access arf: No such file or directory

  thecmd="${BIN_LS} -ld -- \"${thefile}\""

  echo -e "\n    Running command   '${thecmd}'"

          Running command   '/bin/ls -ld -- "arf"'
      /bin/ls: cannot access "arf": No such file or directory

  echo -e "\n    Eval'ing command  '${thecmd}'"
  eval $thecmd

          Eval'ing command  '/bin/ls -ld -- "arf"'
      /bin/ls: cannot access arf: No such file or directory

  $("/bin/ls" -ld -- "${thefile}")

      /bin/ls: cannot access arf: No such file or directory

So... this is confusing. A quoted command path is valid everywhere except inside a $() construct? A shorter, more direct example:

$ c="\"/bin/ls\" arf"
$ $($c)
-bash: "/bin/ls": No such file or directory
$ eval $c
/bin/ls: cannot access arf: No such file or directory
$ $("/bin/ls" arf)
/bin/ls: cannot access arf: No such file or directory
$ "/bin/ls" arf
/bin/ls: cannot access arf: No such file or directory

How does one explain the simple $($c) case?


ruakh picture ruakh · Oct 8, 2012

The use of " to quote words is part of your interaction with Bash. When you type

$ "/bin/ls" arf

at the prompt, or in a script, you're telling Bash that the command consists of the words /bin/ls and arf, and the double-quotes are really emphasizing that /bin/ls is a single word.

When you type

$ eval '"/bin/ls" arf'

you're telling Bash that the command consists of the words eval and "/bin/ls" arf. Since the purpose of eval is to pretend that its argument is an actual human-input command, this is equivalent to running

$ "/bin/ls" arf

and the " gets processed just like at the prompt.

Note that this pretense is specific to eval; Bash doesn't usually go out of its way to pretend that something was an actual human-typed command.

When you type

$ c='"/bin/ls" arf'
$ $c

the $c gets substituted, and then undergoes word splitting (see §3.5.7 "Word Splitting" in the Bash Reference Manual), so the words of the command are "/bin/ls" (note the double-quotes!) and arf. Needless to say, this doesn't work. (It's also not very safe, since in addition to word-splitting, $c also undergoes filename-expansion and whatnot. Generally your parameter-expansions should always be in double-quotes, and if they can't be, then you should rewrite your code so they can be. Unquoted parameter-expansions are asking for trouble.)

When you type

$ c='"/bin/ls" arf'
$ $($c)

this is the same as before, except that now you're also trying to use the output of the nonworking command as a new command. Needless to say, that doesn't cause the nonworking command to suddenly work.

As Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams says in his answer, the right solution is to use an array, and handle the quoting properly:

$ c=("/bin/ls" arf)
$ "${c[@]}"

which sets c to an array with two elements, /bin/ls and arf, and uses those two elements as the word of a command.