I have this self-defined function in my .bashrc :
function ord() {
printf '%d' "'$1"
How do I get this function to be used with xargs ?:
cat anyFile.txt | awk '{split($0,a,""); for (i=1; i<=100; i++) print a[i]}' | xargs -i ord {}
xargs: ord: No such file or directory
First, your function only uses 1 argument, so using xargs here will only take the first arg. You need to change the function to the following:
ord() {
printf '%d' "$@"
To get xargs to use a function from your bashrc, you must spawn a new interactive shell. Something like this may work:
awk '{split($0,a,""); for (i=1; i<=100; i++) print a[i]}' anyFile.txt | xargs bash -i -c 'ord $@' _
Since you are already depending on word splitting, you could just store awk's output in an array.
arr=(awk '{split($0,a,""); for (i=1; i<=100; i++) print a[i]}' anyFile.txt)
ord "${arr[@]}"
Or, you can use awk's printf:
awk '{split($0,a,""); for (i=1; i<=100; i++) printf("%d",a[i])}' anyFile.txt