Top "Base64" questions

Base64 is a set of encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format.

How can I encode a string to Base64 in Swift?

I want to convert a string to Base64. I found answers in several places, but it does not work anymore …

swift base64
C# Convert a Base64 -> byte[]

I have a Base64 byte[] array which is transferred from a stream which i need to convert it to a …

c# base64
Convert base64 string to ArrayBuffer

I need to convert a base64 encode string into an ArrayBuffer. The base64 strings are user input, they will be …

javascript arrays base64 arraybuffer
Base64 Encoding Image

I am building an open search add-on for Firefox/IE and the image needs to be Base64 Encoded so how …

php encoding base64 opensearch
base64 decode snippet in c++

Anyone have a freely available base64 decoding code snippet in c++?

c++ base64
RegEx to parse or validate Base64 data

Is it possible to use a RegEx to validate, or sanitize Base64 data? That's the simple question, but the factors …

regex base64 standards-compliance rfc
Can we convert a byte array into an InputStream in Java?

Can we convert a byte array into an InputStream in Java? I have been looking on the internet but couldn't …

java base64 inputstream
How do I do base64 encoding on iOS?

I'd like to do base64 encoding and decoding, but I could not find any support from the iPhone SDK. How …

ios objective-c base64
How to check for a valid Base64 encoded string

Is there a way in C# to see if a string is Base 64 encoded other than just trying to convert …

c# validation base64
How to save a base64 image to user's disk using JavaScript?

I have converted the source content from the <img> html tag to a base64String using JavaScript. The …

javascript html image base64 save