Top "Barcode-scanner" questions

A barcode reader (or barcode scanner) is an electronic device for reading printed barcodes.

Xamarin forms Barcode Scanner

I couldn't find any working source of Xamarin forms barcode scanner. Is there any working sample of Xamarin forms barcode …

xamarin xamarin.forms zxing barcode-scanner
Turn ON/OFF flashlight in zxing fragment lib

I have implemented Zxing barcode scanning library in my application. I have used following library:…

android android-fragments zxing barcode-scanner
USB interface barcode scanners

Not exactly a programming question, but close. I'll try my luck anyway. The keyboard wedge barcode scanner inserts the translation …

keyboard usb barcode barcode-scanner wedge
jQuery: Listening for automated scanner input from keyboard?

I'm writing a web app for a library system with a barcode scanner attached. The scanner's input presents as keyboard …

javascript jquery barcode-scanner
Android: How to integrate External BarCode Scanner device connected via USB to Android Application

I am developing POS application for shop. The Shop keeper can use any brand of BarCode Scanner devices. I need …

android barcode-scanner android-hardware
Embedding ZXing in android app

So I'm another unlucky android development beginner who needs to have ZXing barcode scanner embedded in his app. There is …

android embed barcode-scanner zxing
Capture barcode reader (keyboard-wedge) events from javascript

I am developing a web application that has to be used on Honeywell Dolphin 75e devices running Android 4.4. The integrated …

javascript android barcode-scanner honeywell keyboard-wedge
Is there a good free barcode scanning SDK for non-autofocus cameras on iOS?

I understand there are many questions similar to this on StackOverflow, but this question is very specific so I'm not …

iphone ios cocoa-touch barcode barcode-scanner
window.plugins undefined in cordova-2.0.0

I'm trying to use the BarcodeScanner plugin for Cordova in a BlackBerry device without luck. The sample code makes use …

cordova barcode-scanner phonegap-plugins blackberry-webworks
Handle barcode scanner value via Android device

I'm trying to handle value from a barcode scanner USB via my Android 3.2 tablet, the scanner is succefuly working in …

android barcode barcode-scanner