Top "Backticks" questions

For questions relating to the backtick character (`), also known as the backquote, which has various special meanings in computing.

Back-tick vs single quote in js

Working on node.js (server side), I wonder if I should use all back-ticks (`) instead of the regular quotes (" or …

javascript node.js backticks backquote
angular2, file should end with a newline, and trailing space

I am new to angular2 and typescript, I got this 3 errors, I don't understand how to fix trailing whitespace and …

angular backticks
How to execute Windows CLI commands in Ruby?

I have a file located in the directory "C:\Documents and Settings\test.exe" but when I write the command `…

ruby command-line windows-console backticks
How do I use a perl variable name properly within backticks?

I need to execute the following code on a bash shell: mogrify -resize 800x600 *JPG Since the width and height …

perl variables backticks
Display output of a Bash command and keeping the output in a variable

I'm not sure if it is possible but what I want to do is to run a bash command and …

bash stdout backticks
What do backticks do in R?

I'm trying to understand what backticks do in R. From what I can tell, this is not explained in the ?…

r syntax backticks
Is it possible to have a comment inside a es6 Template-String?

Let's say we have a multiline es6 Template-String to describe e.g. some URL params for a request: const fields = ` …

javascript ecmascript-6 backticks template-strings
How can I use Groovy to execute a shell command that has backticks?

I’m unable to use Groovy to execute a shell command that has backticks. A simplified example: println "echo `date`".…

bash shell groovy backticks
Weird backticks behaviour in Active Record in CodeIgniter 2.0.3

Previously my all queries were running fine in CI version 2.0 but when I upgraded to 2.0.3 some of my SELECT queries …

codeigniter activerecord select backticks
Ruby Backticks - break command into multiple lines?

In Ruby, I know I can execute a shell command with backticks like so: `ls -l | grep drw-` However, I'm …

ruby shell backticks