Top "Backend" questions

For questions involving the data processing components of a system.

Google App Engine: Backend vs Frontend Instances

GAE allows different restrictions depending on whether or not the code is running on a frontend instance or a backend …

java google-app-engine backend
matplotlib won't draw python3

I installed matplotlib successfully inside a virtualenv. Now I'm trying to get it to draw. I know how to change …

python python-3.x matplotlib installation backend
Playing with gcc's intermediate GIMPLE format

According to this article gcc uses several intermediate formats before generating code. I read that the GIMPLE format uses three …

c gcc compiler-construction backend gimple
Matplotlib Backend Differences between Agg and Cairo

Hej, I'd like to produce high quality PDFs from matplotlib plots. Using other code, I have produced a large array …

python pdf matplotlib backend
What are CAD apps written in, and how are they organized?

What are CAD applications (Rhino, Autocad) of today written in and how are they organized internally ? I gave as an …

language-agnostic rhino backend autocad
uncaught exception: SyntaxError: unexpected token: identifier :when trying to log into as an admin for mongo shell

I am following this tutorial I got thru most of it easily but …

node.js arrays mongodb backend nodebb
Google Sign-In backend server authentication

I'm writing an Android app for voice chatting and decided to use Google Sign-In for a simple user authentication with …

android authentication token backend google-signin
Concerns about separating front-end and back-end with a NodeJS UI server

During the last months, we at work have been looking for a solution to the following problem: front-end developers can't …

node.js frontend backend separation-of-concerns
Best practices of "securing" an API without login/password

I have a client app which can be identified with some UID. I have a backend service which the client …

api rest mobile backend
Difference between frontend user authetication and backend user authentication

I was recently asked the difference between frontend user authetication and backend user authentication ( during an interview ). I could not …

authentication web frontend backend web-frontend