Top "Backbone.js" questions


Angular.js vs Knockout.js vs Backbone.js

I am considering to use either Knockout or Angular or Backbone for my personal project. I need to build some …

angularjs backbone.js knockout-2.0
What is two way binding?

I have read lots that Backbone doesn't do two way binding but I don't exactly understand this concept. Could somebody …

javascript data-binding backbone.js
Destroy or remove a view in Backbone.js

I'm currently trying to implement a destroy/remove method for views but I can't get a generic solution to work …

javascript javascript-events backbone.js
How to convert 1 to true or 0 to false upon model fetch

I have a model that is set with a JSON response from a mysql database. The model data is set …

javascript jquery backbone.js
Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document'

<button id="'+item['id']+'" class="btnDeactivateKeyInChildPremiumCustomer waves-effect waves-light">ok</button> I used above code …

javascript jquery backbone.js
Require.js Error: Load timeout for modules: backbone,jquerymobile

I am trying to use r.js to optimize my code but I keep running to this error: Tracing dependencies …

javascript jquery backbone.js requirejs
How do I secure REST API calls?

I'm developing the restful web app that using some popular web framework on the backend, say (rails, sinatra, flask, express.…

security api rest web-applications backbone.js
Trying to parse `request.body` from POST in Django

For some reason I cannot figure out why Django isn't handling my request.body content correctly. It is being sent …

python json django python-3.x backbone.js
How to pass parameters to a view

I have a series of buttons which when clicked display a popup menu positioned just below the button. I want …

javascript backbone.js
How do I fetch a single model in Backbone?

I have a Clock model in Backbone: var Clock = Backbone.Model.extend({}); I'm trying to get an instance of that …

javascript model-view-controller rest backbone.js