Views in the Backbone.
I am trying to understand the relationship between a model and a view. I've tried building a model and view …
backbone.js models backbone-viewsHow can i access click event outside the el scope. What i have : HTML : <div class="right_btn">&…
javascript jquery backbone.js backbone-views backbone-eventsI'm declaring a View like this: var VirtualFileSelectorView = Backbone.View.extend({ selected: function() { console.log("selected function"); }, initialize: function() { // Shorthand …
backbone.js backbone-events backbone-viewsI want to fire fetch method on Backbone Collection which would pass an Id parameter similar to what happens in …
backbone.js backbone-viewsWhat IDE do you use to edit EJS templates which are standard templating languages for example for can.js, express.…
express underscore.js backbone-views ejs