Top "Backbone-model" questions

Models in the Backbone.

Completely remove attribute from Backbone.js model

I am trying to totally remove an attribute from a backbone model. The model is being sent to an API …

javascript backbone.js backbone-model
backbone.js View determine which attribute of model is change

How can I know which attribute of the view model is changed in the render function? (In the render function, "…

javascript backbone.js backbone-model
How to know when a Backbone model.fetch() completes?

I bind on the change event of my backbone models like this. this.model.on( "change", this.render, this ); Sometimes …

javascript backbone.js backbone-events backbone-model
how to access a models data from a view in backbone.js

I have a model named person: var person = Backbone.Model.extend({ initialize: function(){ console.log('cool'); }, defaults:{ names:['a','k',…

backbone.js backbone-views backbone-model
Backbone - not parse each model in collection after fetch

How to prevent parse function for model in collection fetching? $(function() { var Task = Backbone.Model.extend({ url : function() { return this.…

javascript backbone.js backbone-model
Model.set() with new and undefined values in Backbone.js

I would like to save calls to my server, so I am currently using with the patch option …

backbone.js backbone-model
Backbone Model gives this.set not a function in Model.initialize

I've a model listen on the vent for a event update:TotalCost, which is triggered from (unrelated) Collection C when …

backbone.js underscore.js marionette backbone-events backbone-model
How do I tell backbone that the model is not new

I have an object that's also saved in the server and I'm creating a Backbone model from that object. But …

javascript backbone.js backbone-model