Azure Table Storage - Entity Design Best Practices Question

Dean Chalk picture Dean Chalk · Apr 14, 2011 · Viewed 7.6k times · Source

Im writing a 'proof of concept' application to investigate the possibility of moving a bespoke ASP.NET ecommerce system over to Windows Azure during a necessary re-write of the entire application.

Im tempted to look at using Azure Table Storage as an alternative to SQL Azure as the entities being stored are likely to change their schema (properties) over time as the application matures further, and I wont need to make endless database schema changes. In addition we can build refferential integrity into the applicaiton code - so the case for considering Azure Table Storage is a strong one.

The only potential issue I can see at this time is that we do a small amount of simple reporting - i.e. value of sales between two dates, number of items sold for a particular product etc. I know that Table Storage doesnt support aggregate type functions, and I believe we can achieve what we want with clever use of partitions, multiple entity types to store subsets of the same data and possibly pre-aggregation but Im not 100% sure about how to go about it.

Does anyone know of any in-depth documents about Azure Table Storage design principles so that we make proper and efficient use of Tables, PartitionKeys and entity design etc.

there's a few simplistic documents around, and the current books available tend not to go into this subject in much depth.

FYI - the ecommerce site has about 25,000 customers and takes about 100,000 orders per year.


yacine picture yacine · May 10, 2011