I need to somehow uploads files and access them on the VM, how can I do this?
Specifically, how can I get access to files I've uploaded as a blob from within the VM?
I tried to access a file that I've uploaded as a blob onto an Azure Virtual Machine, but I couldn't find it anywhere on VM.
Can I simply mount a blob storage as a drive on my VM?
I am trying to avoid the round trip time of getting it from the actual blob storage and downloading it to the VM.
You can now mount azure blob to Linux Vms. Please note there is a Linux FUSE adapter for Azure storage
now which is called Blobfuse
. This is an old question but I thought it would be helpful to add a solution for accessing \ Mounting blobs in your Linux VMs using BlobFuse
official docs here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-how-to-mount-container-linux
Blobfuse is stable, and is supported by Azure Storage
given that it is used within its limits documented here: https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-fuse
Installation document here: https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-fuse/wiki/1.-Installation
Simply use whatever linux distro package installer with to get the blobfuse, please refer to the installation link above: like in Ubuntu its simply: sudo apt-get install blobfuse fuse