how to revoke Shared Access Signature in Azure SDK

user145610 picture user145610 · Oct 5, 2014 · Viewed 11.7k times · Source

I could not find any code sample for revoking the created Shared Access Signature access on blob, can anyone provide me link or reference for removing the Shared Access Signature access created earlier.


Ilya Berdichevsky picture Ilya Berdichevsky · Nov 5, 2018

Even if shared access signature (SAS) is based on a stored access policy (SAP), you can only revoke SAP, not individual SAS.

Azure Storage security guide has good details:

SAS not based on SAP - can't be revoked:

If you are using ad hoc URIs, you have three options. You can issue SAS tokens with short expiration policies and wait for the SAS to expire. You can rename or delete the resource (assuming the token was scoped to a single object). You can change the storage account keys. This last option can have a significant impact, depending on how many services are using that storage account, and probably isn't something you want to do without some planning.

SAS based on SAP - can be revoked by revoking SAP:

If you are using a SAS derived from a Stored Access Policy, you can remove access by revoking the Stored Access Policy – you can just change it so it has already expired, or you can remove it altogether. This takes effect immediately, and invalidates every SAS created using that Stored Access Policy. Updating or removing the Stored Access Policy may impact people accessing that specific container, file share, table, or queue via SAS, but if the clients are written so they request a new SAS when the old one becomes invalid, this will work fine.

Best practice:

Because using a SAS derived from a Stored Access Policy gives you the ability to revoke that SAS immediately, it is the recommended best practice to always use Stored Access Policies when possible.