Azure Functions is an event-driven serverless compute platform in Azure and Azure Stack.
I'm using the interface ILogger to log events inside my Azure functions. I can publish it in Azure and connect …
azure azure-functions azure-application-insightsI have Azure function with timer trigger. public static void Run([TimerTrigger("0 */15 * * * *"), Disable("True")]TimerInfo myTimer, TraceWriter log) Here the …
c# azure azure-functions timer-triggerI am developing an Azure Functions Project and when I publish first time, OK. Then I publish again, this Error …
azure-functionsHow can I bind my outputs to an async function? The usual method of setting the parameter to out doesn't …
c# azure asynchronous azure-functionsI have published an Azure Function through visual studio. Now I want to delete the published Azure function and the …
azure azure-functions azure-functions-runtimeI am trying to use Headless Chrome to generate a PDF file from a complex HTML file (contains images, SVGs, …
google-chrome azure azure-functions azure-cloud-services google-chrome-headlessI am attempting to install the az cmdlet onto Kudu for my Azure Function. I am currently following this guide: …
powershell azure azure-functions azure-cliI would like a Http Trigger function to call another Http Trigger function. Basically, I am trying to access via …
c# azure azure-functions azure-function-app-proxyI build an Azure Function App (v2). Configuration tasks necessary for all functions are done in a Setup class that …
c# azure-functionsI tried the following: using System; using Newtonsoft.Json using Newtonsoft.Linq public static void Run(string myEventHubMessage, out string …