In an Azure DevOps pipeline template, I am declaring a parameter as an array/sequence
mySubscription: ''
myArray: []
- AzureCLI@2
azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.mySubscription }}
scriptType: pscore
scriptPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/script.ps1
arguments: '-MyYAMLArgument ${{ parameters.myArray }}'
Value for the parameter is then passed from pipeline definition as
- template: myTemplate.yml
mySubscription: 'azure-connection'
- field1: 'a'
field2: 'b'
- field1: 'aa'
field2: 'bb'
My problem is I can't pass that array as-is in YAML syntax (kind of ToString()
) to be able to consume and treat that array from PowerShell in my template. When trying to run this pipeline, I get the following error:
/myTemplate.yml (Line: X, Col: X): Unable to convert from Array to String. Value: Array
. The line/column referenced in the error message correspond to arguments: '-MyYAMLArgument ${{ parameters.myArray }}'
from my template.
I also tried to map the parameter as an environment for my script
- AzureCLI@2
azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.mySubscription }}
scriptType: pscore
scriptPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/script.ps1
arguments: '-MyYAMLArgument $Env:MY_ENV_VAR'
MY_ENV_VAR: ${{ parameters.myArray }}
This does not work too:
/myTemplate.yml (Line: X, Col: Y): A sequence was not expected
. That time line/column refers to MY_ENV_VAR: ${{ parameters.myArray }}
Does anyone ever faced a similar requirement to pass complex types (here an array/sequence of object) defined from the pipeline definition to a PowerShell script? If so, how did you achieve it?
I'm also facing a similar problem, my workaround is to flatten the array in a string using different separator for different dimensions.
For example I want to make some parameters required and fail the build if these parameters are not passed, instead of add a task for every parameter to check, I want to do this in a single task.
To do this I first pass, as a parameter (to another template, called check-required-params.yml
which hold the task responsible for check the parameters), an array where each element is a string of the type name:value
which is a concatenation (using the format
expression) of the name
and the value
of required parameters separated by a colon:
# templates/pipeline-template.yml
- name: endpoint
type: string
default: ''
- name: rootDirectory
type: string
default: $(Pipeline.Workspace)
- name: remoteDirectory
type: string
default: '/'
- name: archiveName
type: string
default: ''
#other stuff
- template: check-required-params.yml
- ${{ format('endpoint:{0}', parameters.endpont) }}
- ${{ format('archiveName:{0}', parameters.archiveName) }}
Then in check-required-params.yml
I join the array separating the elements with a semicolon using the expression ${{ join(';', parameters.requiredParams) }}
, this create a string of the type endpoint:value;archiveName:value
and pass this as an environmental variable.
At this point, using a little of string manipulations, in a script I can split the string using the semicolon as separator so I will get an array of strings like name:value
which I can further split but this time using colon as separator.
My check-required-params.yml
looks like:
# templates/check-required-params.yml
- name: requiredParams
type: object
default: []
- task: PowerShell@2
script: |
$params = $env:REQURED_PARAMS -split ";"
foreach($param in $params) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($param.Split(":")[1])) {
Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue type=error;]Missing template parameter $($param.Split(":")[0])"
Write-Host "##vso[task.complete result=Failed;]"
targetType: inline
pwsh: true
REQURED_PARAMS: ${{ join(';', parameters.requiredParams) }}
displayName: Check for required parameters
Then in my azure-pipelines.yml
I can do:
#other stuff
- template: templates/pipeline-template.yml
endpoint: 'myEndpoint'
rootDirectory: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/mycode
In this example the build will fail because i don't pass the parameter archiveName
You can add some flexibility by using variables also for defining the separators instead of hardcoding in the scripts and in the expressions