Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed database service designed to enable users to elastically and independently scale throughput and storage across any number of geographical regions with a comprehensive SLA.
I am investigating using CosmosDB (previously DocumentDB), we currently use MongoDB so I am trying to use the MongoAPI for …
c# azure azure-cosmosdbIn Azure DocumentDB using .NET SDK, I get the following error when calling ReplaceDocumentAsync: "Errors":["The input content is invalid …
c# .net azure azure-cosmosdbI upgraded my data layer classlibrary project from .NETCore 2.2 to .NETCore3.1 and also upgraded the Nuget packages like EntityFrameWork Core …
linq azure-cosmosdb c#-8.0 .net-core-3.1 ef-core-3.1I tried to do this from the Script Explorer->Stored Procedure view, but when I use the button Save &…
azure stored-procedures azureportal azure-cosmosdbI've a lookup activity with gets value from a container within a blob. I've a foreach activity which is connected …
azure azure-cosmosdb azure-data-factoryI'm giving CosmosDB a chance and so I decided to build an app that uses it, but I'm running into …
windows azure-cosmosdbI checked the MSDN on DocumentDB for .Net (here) and found 3 valid constructors. However none of them makes use of …
c# azure-cosmosdbI was doing some benchmarking, so I had a SQL database with 2500 records. I inserted those records into DocumentDB. I …
c# azure azure-cosmosdbIs there a way to update part of a document in a DocumentDB collection? I know that ReplaceDocumentAsync lets you …
azure azure-cosmosdb nosqlI am new to Cosmos Db and want to understand how to delete/upsert sub-documents within a document collection. If …
c# azure azure-cosmosdb