For programming questions about Microsoft's Azure Application Insights, which is a monitoring service for deployed live applications, allowing collection of availability, performance, usage, and other diagnostic data.
To support Application Insights in multiple environments, we are setting the Instrumentation Key programmatically, as adviced in this post. We …
c# azure azure-web-app-service azure-application-insightsI'm using Application insights with API-Management to monitor my API's. Application Insights is great tool but I'm not able to …
azure azure-application-insights azure-api-managementI'm wondering how application insights work with cookies because I'll like to understand user and session tracking, so I've been …
c# azure-application-insightsI read this documentation: There are many different API method to track …
c# azure azure-application-insights telemetryI'm using the interface ILogger to log events inside my Azure functions. I can publish it in Azure and connect …
azure azure-functions azure-application-insightsI've looked in many places for details around the delay of time it takes for Application Insights data to appear …
c# azure azure-application-insightsUsing Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore v2.6.1 with .net core v2.2.2 I can see the telemetry going in Azure Application Insight Live …
c# azure logging azure-application-insightsWhen I try to join on one of the customDimensions fields, I get a syntax error: "join attributes may be …
join azure-application-insightsI have a AspNetCore web app that writes to EventHub and a webjob that reads from it. I'd like the …
c# azure-application-insightsWe have an Azure web role deployed that has been using Application Insights (ver., however, we're going over our data …
azure azure-application-insights