Top "Axis" questions

Don't use the [axis] tag to refer to Apache Axis.

Set custom SOAP header using Axis 1.4

I'm trying to consume a .NET 2.0 web service using Axis. I generated the web services client using Eclipse WST Plugin …

java .net web-services soap axis
What is the meaning of "axis" attribute in a Pandas DataFrame?

Taking the following example: >>> df1 = pd.DataFrame({"x":[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "y":[3, 4, 5, 6, 7]}, index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']) >>&…

python pandas dataframe axis
WSDL2Java Throws Could not find main class: org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java

I am trying to create the java files from a remote webservice. I downloaded axis 1.4, copied the lib folder to …

java web-services axis
ipython : get access to current figure()

I want to add more fine grained grid on a plotted graph. The problem is all of the examples require …

python matplotlib ipython axis figure
Which is the best maven's plugin to generate a Web Service Client?

I have to generate a WS Client and I can't decide which plugin to use. Until now my options are: …

java jax-ws axis
ggplot2, axis not showing after using theme(axis.line=element_line())

I am trying to draw this following graph using ggplot2 package, but somehow the axis won't show up. the ticks …

r ggplot2 axis
What is the difference between an endpoint, a service, and a port when working with webservices?

I've used Apache CXF to expose about ten java classes as web services. I've generated clients using CXF, Axis, and .…

java .net web-services cxf axis
Where I can find Axis WSDL2Java file?

I downloaded Axis 1.4 ( ) and I wanted to use WSDL2…

java axis
What is the meaning of axis=-1 in keras.argmax?

I am a beginner in Keras and need help to understand keras.argmax(a, axis=-1) and keras.max(a, …

keras axis argmax
Problem generating Java SOAP web services client with JDK tool wsimport from a WSDL generated by a .NET 2.0 application

I'm trying to generate a client for some SOAP web services using the JDK 6 tool wsimport. The WSDL was generated …

java .net web-services axis wsimport