By default when I create a Lambda function, the CloudWatch Log Group is set to Never Expire. Is it possible to set the expiration (saying 14 days) so I don't have to set it manually from the console after creation?
Thanks to @jens walter answer this is a code snippet of how to solve the problem
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: index.handler
Runtime: nodejs6.10
CodeUri: <your code uri>
Policies: <your policies>
Type: "AWS::Logs::LogGroup"
DependsOn: "LambdaFunction"
RetentionInDays: 14
LogGroupName: !Join ["", ["/aws/lambda/", !Ref LambdaFunction]]
If you are creating your Lambda through the console, it is not possible to set the log retention accordingly. It is also not possible to set a default retention for all CloudWatch Logs.
The only way you can influence the log retention is through CloudFormation. In that case, you need to deploy you Lambda through CloudFormation and then you can define a matching LogGroup with a custom retention within that template.