Connect esp8266 with AWS IOT

Harshil Makwana picture Harshil Makwana · Mar 27, 2018 · Viewed 7.9k times · Source

I am using default repository inside arduino sdk.

But It's sample code wont update shadow thing on AWS IOT. I configured everything correctly, Can some one help me on it?


raph84 picture raph84 · Mar 14, 2019

I have put quite some time on this last month. All the examples I had found had an issue or another. It must be because library Core ESP8266 for Arduino has been updated not long ago; SSL implementation has changed...

I have been to figure out what was wrong, fix it, and make it work. I use the ESP8266 and connect to AWS IoT using MQTT and x509 certificate for authentication.

Here is the walkthrough I have put together:

If you stumble on this I hope it will be useful for you.