AWS Glue is a fully managed ETL (extract, transform, and load) service that can categorize your data, clean it, enrich it, and move it between various data stores.
I am doing some pricing comparison between AWS Glue against AWS EMR so as to chose between EMR & Glue. …
amazon-web-services amazon-emr aws-glueI have been playing around with AWS Glue for some quick analytics by following the tutorial here While I have …
amazon-web-services amazon-s3 amazon-athena aws-glueI am a little new to AWSGlue. I am working on transform a raw cloudwatch json out into csv with …
python amazon-web-services aws-glueHow can I implement an optional parameter to an AWS Glue Job? I have created a job that currently have …
python amazon-web-services aws-glueI am able to write to parquet format and partitioned by a column like so: jobname = args['JOB_NAME'] #header …
amazon-web-services apache-spark pyspark aws-glueDoes anyone know of a way to add the source filename as a column in a Glue job? We created …
amazon-web-services apache-spark pyspark aws-glueThe current set-up: S3 location with json files. All files stored in the same location (no day/month/year structure). …
amazon-web-services etl aws-glue aws-glue-data-catalogI am trying to run a crawler across an s3 datastore in my account which contains two csv files. However, …
amazon-s3 aws-glueI'm trying to set up a AWS Glue job and make a connection to Redshift. I'm getting error when I …
python amazon-web-services jdbc amazon-redshift aws-glue