I have a bunch of instances running in GCE. I want to programmatically get a list of the internal IP addresses of them without logging into the instances (locally).
I know I can run:
gcloud compute instances list
But are there any flags I can pass to just get the information I want? e.g.
gcloud compute instances list --internal-ips
or similar? Or am I going to have to dust off my sed/awk brain and parse the output?
I also know that I can get the output in JSON using --format=json, but I'm trying to do this in a bash script.
The simplest way to programmatically get a list of internal IPs (or external IPs) without a dependency on any tools other than gcloud
$ gcloud --format="value(networkInterfaces[0].networkIP)" compute instances list
$ gcloud --format="value(networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP)" compute instances list
This uses --format=value
which also requires a projection which is a list of resource keys that select resource data values. For any command you can use --format=flattened
to get the list of resource key/value pairs:
$ gcloud --format=flattened compute instances list