Named after its inventors, Adelson-Velskii and Landis, an AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree.
As you know how avl should be balanced after deletion of a node, I'll get to point. For starting, Im …
c++ data-structures binary-search-tree avl-treeThe third paragraph of wikipedia's article on AVL trees says: "Because AVL trees are more rigidly balanced, they are faster …
java algorithm binary-search-tree avl-tree red-black-treeMy best guess is that one rotation is always enough to balance an AVL tree when you insert or delete …
data-structures tree rotation binary-tree avl-treeIs there a built in AVL Tree in the .NET libraries? I searched but didn't find any. If there is, …
c# .net data-structures avl-treeThe image above is from "Wikipedia's entry on AVL trees" which Wikipedia indicates is unbalanced. How is this tree not …
data-structures binary-tree avl-tree