Top "Avl-tree" questions

Named after its inventors, Adelson-Velskii and Landis, an AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree.

Deletion in AVL Tree

As you know how avl should be balanced after deletion of a node, I'll get to point. For starting, Im …

c++ data-structures binary-search-tree avl-tree
Why red-black tree based implementation for java TreeMap?

The third paragraph of wikipedia's article on AVL trees says: "Because AVL trees are more rigidly balanced, they are faster …

java algorithm binary-search-tree avl-tree red-black-tree
More than one rotation needed to balance an AVL Tree?

My best guess is that one rotation is always enough to balance an AVL tree when you insert or delete …

data-structures tree rotation binary-tree avl-tree
.NET Built-in AVL-Tree?

Is there a built in AVL Tree in the .NET libraries? I searched but didn't find any. If there is, …

c# .net data-structures avl-tree
How is Wikipedia's example of an unbalanced AVL tree really unbalanced?

The image above is from "Wikipedia's entry on AVL trees" which Wikipedia indicates is unbalanced. How is this tree not …

data-structures binary-tree avl-tree