Top "Avaudioplayer" questions

Apple’s AVFoundation framework includes AVAudioPlayer, an easy, feature rich, Objective-C based API for playing audio files.

IOS maximum volume level for AVAudioPlayer?

I use the AVAudioPlayer to play a .caf file. My problem is: it is not loud enough for my purpose. …

iphone ios avaudioplayer volume
AVAudioPlayer with external URL to *.m4p

My Problem is the following. I got this code and i guess a corrupt NSURL since the AVAudioPlayer is nil …

iphone url audio avaudioplayer
OSStatus error 2003334207 when using AVAudioPlayer

I am trying to play an MP3 file (works when played via VLC/iTunes) when a button is pressed. Here …

ios swift avaudioplayer
How to increase volume of sound recorded using AVAudioRecorder

I am using the link mentioned below to record audio through my iPhone app: How do I record audio on …

iphone cocoa-touch ios4 avaudioplayer avaudiorecorder
AVAudioPlayer: How to Change the Playback Speed of Audio?

I want to control the playback speed of audio in AVAudioplayer. Is this possible? If so, how would you do …

iphone avaudioplayer
AVAudioPlayer playing Sound with very low volume in iPhone 6 and 6+

I am playing a sound using AVAudioPlayer. The sound volume in iPods (iOS7 & iOS8 both) is good. But when …

ios swift avaudioplayer
How do I start playing audio when in silent mode & locked in iOS 6?

End-user process Open app Switch on 'Silent Mode'. Press 'Lock-button' App can still START playing a sound after hours have …

iphone ios background avaudioplayer silent
Swift: how to set the iphone volume programmatically

I am trying to create an alarm app and I have noticed that apps like Sleep Cycle will set your …

iphone swift avaudioplayer volume mpvolumeview
MP3 playing using AVAudioPlayer not working on device

I am testing my app on my 3GS iPhone with iOS 4.2 I am using the following code which plays a …

iphone iphone-sdk-3.0 ios4 avaudioplayer
Audio playing while app in background iOS

I have an app mostly based around Core Bluetooth. When something specific happens, the app is woken up using Core …

ios objective-c audio background avaudioplayer