Where can I find all the command list for Autosys JIL. What is the official site where I can get the complete list of Autosys commands with examples ?
For example I want to run a shell script every half an hour everyday of the week.
Use start_mins
to specify specific mins of an hour to run the job.
insert_job: my-job-for-specific-mins
job_type: c
command: date
machine: my-host
permission: mx
n_retrys: 0
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: mo,tu,we,th,fr
start_mins: "05,35"
description: "Test specific mins of hour"
std_out_file: /var/tmp/job-name.out
std_err_file: /var/tmp/job-name.out
alarm_if_fail: 1
timezone: London
The specified job will run at 5 mins and 35 mins past every hour.