Top "Automator" questions

An application, first appearing in Apple's OS X, providing a point and click interface for creating macros to automate tasks

how to make text replacement in automator (regex)

I am making an Automator application and I need to replace some text based on a certain criteria. I am …

applescript automator replace
Creating an automator service to create a new document in the current directory

so I'm trying to create a service that will be located in the contextual menu of the Finder and that …

macos applescript finder automator
Check for active internet connection with Applescript/Automator

I have an Automator workflow to ping a server, and download the latest copy of a schedule that I frequently …

applescript action automator
How to automate extracting pages from a PDF using AppleScript and Acrobat Pro?

I'm new to AppleScript, but I am trying to create a script that will go through all PDFs in a …

pdf applescript acrobat automator
How do I execute a PHP shell script as an Automator action on Mac OS X

I'm tempted by's ability to create contextual services in Mac OS X Snow Leopard. I would like to …

php macos shell service automator
AppleScript / Automator : use selected text as variable

I can't manage to find how to use the selected text as a variable for AppleScript and Automator. Any ideas?

applescript automator
AppleScript in automator error ("The action "Run AppleScript" encountered an error ")

I wanted to find a way how to disable/enable hot corners via keyboard shortcut. I found this apple script …

applescript automator
Mac Automator - Combine PDF files, save in same folder

I'm using Automator to combine PDF files, but can't figure out how to automate saving the resulting file to the …

macos pdf directory automator
MacOS, how to delete unused service item in Keyboard Shortcuts

I'm a newbie to Mac OS and learning with Automator, I found it useful but not quite controllable. I made …

macos shortcut automator
AppleScript to loop workflow in automator

1 . Opens up dialogue box 2 . Asks for text 3 . Says input text from 2 4 . * Loop to step 2? * 5 . Ask for finder item I'm trying …

loops applescript workflow automator