Top "Autolayout" questions

Auto Layout is a constraint-based, descriptive user interface layout system for OS X and iOS.

iOS AutoLayout - get frame size width

I am developing using iOS 6 auto layout I would like to log a message displaying the frame width of the …

ios nslog autolayout
How do I set the height of tableHeaderView (UITableView) with autolayout?

I'm been smashing my head against the wall with this for last 3 or 4 hours and I can't seem to figure …

ios ios7 autolayout uitableview
Auto Layout to dynamically size uilabel width

So I have two UILabels side by side in Storyboard. The second label should butt up against the right edge …

ios storyboard constraints autolayout
ScrollView has ambiguous scrollable content height

I am making a very basic UIScrollView test. Here is my setup It shows me the following AutoLayout error: ScrollView …

ios uiscrollview autolayout
UITableView dynamic cell heights only correct after some scrolling

I have a UITableView with a custom UITableViewCell defined in a storyboard using auto layout. The cell has several multiline …

ios uitableview ios8 autolayout ios-autolayout
Auto layout constraints issue on iOS7 in UITableViewCell

I'm using auto layout constraints programmatically to layout my custom UITableView cells and I'm correctly defining the cell sizes in …

ios ios7 uitableview autolayout nslayoutconstraint
With Auto Layout, how do I make a UIImageView's size dynamic depending on the image?

I want my UIImageView to grow or shrink depending on the size of what the actual image it's displaying is. …

ios objective-c uiimageview autolayout nslayoutconstraint
How to create percentage of total width using autolayout?

I need to create three dynamic columns, each with a fixed percentage of the total width. Not thirds, but different …

ios xcode autolayout
AutoLayout to keep view sizes proportional

I'm trying to achieve the following: I have 2 views in my xib that need to stay 20 pixels off the edge (…

ios interface-builder ios6 autolayout nslayoutconstraint
How do I adjust the anchor point of a CALayer, when Auto Layout is being used?

Note: Things have moved on since this question was asked; see here for a good recent overview. Before auto layout, …

ios calayer autolayout