Top "Autocommit" questions

JDBC commit failed, calling commit when autocommit=true. Multithreaded hibernate session somehow changing autocommit?

I have the main thread that spawns thread #2 which uses the same hibernate Session in the main thread. Thread #2 just …

multithreading hibernate spring session autocommit
spring 3.1: jdbcTemplate auto commit to false.

Hi Is their a way to set autocommit to false in spring jdbctemplate. The thing is instead of transaction (where …

transactions jdbctemplate autocommit
Why doesn’t SQLite3 require a commit() call to save data?

I read somewhere that to save data to a SQLite3 database in Python, the method commit of the connection object …

python transactions sqlite autocommit

I need to use a transaction in my project on MySQL. But I'm not sure if I have to use …

mysql transactions autocommit
Transactions are auto committed on PostgreSQL 9.5.2 with no option to change it?

I've just set up a new PostgreSQL 9.5.2, and it seems that all my transactions are auto committed. Running the following …

sql postgresql transactions autocommit
Is there a way to get the default value of autocommit in MySQL?

I'm just wondering as per the title if this can be done? For example, if I was to do something …

php mysql mysqli transactions autocommit
Postgres setting autocommit off globally

How do you set autocommit off in psql 8.4 at a global level? is there a configuration attribute that i can …

postgresql transactions autocommit
How does kafka consumer auto commit work?

I am reading this one: Automatic Commit The easiest way to commit offsets is to allow the consumer to do …

java apache-kafka offset kafka-consumer-api autocommit
SQLite error: cannot commit transaction - SQL statements in progress using Java Code

I am facing an SQLite error though I am not using any explicit AutoCommit true or false. can anyone provide …

sqlite progress autocommit
How to set autocommit value to false in Oracle Data Source connection?

Inserting values in Oracle 11g via JdbcTemplate-OracleDataSource injected via Spring config file. Transactions are done via @Transactional managed by DataSourceTransactionManager. …

java oracle autocommit