Live audio streaming container formats

STeN picture STeN · Jul 17, 2011 · Viewed 8.1k times · Source

When I start receiving the live audio (radio) stream (e.g. MP3 or AAC) I think the received data are not kind of raw bitstream (i.e. raw encoder output), but they are always wrapped into some container format. If this assumption is correct, then I guess I cannot start streaming from arbitrary place of the stream, but I have to wait to some sync byte. Is that right? Is it usual to have some sync bytes? Is there any header following the sync byte, from which I can guess the used codec, number of channels, sample rate, etc.?

When I connect to live stream, will I receive data starting by the nearest sync byte or I will get them from the actual position and I have to check for the sync byte first?

Some streams like icecast use headers in the HTTP response, where stream related information are included, but i think i can skip them and deal directly with the steam format.

Is that correct?


Daniel Mošmondor picture Daniel Mošmondor · Jul 18, 2011

Doom9 has great starting info about both mpeg and aac frame formats. Shoutcast will add some 'metadata' now and then, and it's really trivial. The thing I want to share with you is this; I have an application that can capture all kind of streams, and shoutcast, both aac and mp3 is among them. First versions had their files cut at arbitrary point according to the time, for example every 5 minutes, regardless of the mp3/aac frames. It was somehow OK for the mp3 (the files were playable) but was very bad for aacplus.

The thing is - aacplus decoder ISN'T that forgiving about wrong data, and I had everything from access violations to mysterious software shutdowns with no errors of any kind.

Anyway, if you want to capture stream, open the socket to the server, read the response, you'll have some header there, then use that info to strip metadata that will be injected now and then. Use the header information for both aacplus and mp3 to determine frame boundaries, and try to honor them and split the file at the right place.

mp3 frame header:

aacplus frame header:

also this: