What is the best way to upgrade atom on Linux Ubuntu ? I install atom using official doc
git clone https://github.com/atom/atom
cd atom
sudo script/grunt install
I created the following script to update my atom on Ubuntu 14.10.
# Update atom from downloaded deb file
rm -f /tmp/atom.deb
curl -L https://atom.io/download/deb > /tmp/atom.deb
dpkg --install /tmp/atom.deb
echo "***** apm upgrade - to ensure we update all apm packages *****"
apm upgrade --confirm false
exit 0
The file atom_update is executable and needs to be called using su:
sudo ./atom_update
The above works, but nowadays I use the following:
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/atom
sudo apt -y update
sudo apt -y install atom
apm install \
file-icons \
tabs-to-spaces \
trailing-spaces \
With the above setup
sudo apt -y upgrade
will update an installed atom to the latest version. The ppa is generally up to date.