Top "Async-await" questions

This covers the asynchronous programming model supported by various programming languages, using the async and await keywords.

Await vs Task.Result in an Async Method

What's the difference between doing the following: async Task<T> method(){ var r = await dynamodb.GetItemAsync(...) return r.…

c# asynchronous async-await task amazon-dynamodb
Async/await vs BackgroundWorker

In the past few days I have tested the new features of .net 4.5 and c# 5. I like its new async/…

c# task-parallel-library backgroundworker .net-4.5 async-await
What is the use for Task.FromResult<TResult> in C#

In C# and TPL (Task Parallel Library), the Task class represents an ongoing work that produces a value of type …

c# .net task-parallel-library task async-await
Await is a reserved word error inside async function

I am struggling to figure out the issue with the following syntax: export const sendVerificationEmail = async () => (dispatch) => { try { …

javascript reactjs async-await redux
Create a completed Task

I want to create a completed Task (not Task<T>). Is there something built into .NET to do …

c# .net async-await task-parallel-library
Why await is not working for node request module?

I'm new to nodejs. I’m not seeing the response in ex 1, but i see in ex 2. Why? Await works …

node.js asynchronous async-await ecmascript-next
Why should I create async WebAPI operations instead of sync ones?

I have the following operation in a Web API I created: // GET api/<controller> [HttpGet] [Route("pharmacies/{pharmacyId}/…

c# jquery ajax async-await
HttpClient.GetAsync with network credentials

I'm currently using HttpWebRequest to get a website. I'd like to use the await pattern, which is not given for …

c# async-await .net-4.5
Using async without await in C#?

Consider Using async without await. think that maybe you misunderstand what async does. The warning is exactly right: if you …

c# task-parallel-library async-await c#-5.0
Why should I prefer single 'await Task.WhenAll' over multiple awaits?

In case I do not care about the order of task completion and just need them all to complete, should …

c# .net parallel-processing task-parallel-library async-await