call phone by clicking on number in web

MGH picture MGH · Jan 6, 2013 · Viewed 8.5k times · Source

Im newbie from asterisk but professional in PHP programming!, so I want to call mobile number in my users panel in web. exactly when user click on a number, connect to asterisk and call selected mobile number via specified internal extension. is there any solution? I don't know about using any softphone or not. I don't want to use any client softphone if possible.


I used some php code with AMI and shift8, but my problem is when user calling and how can user talk with another without softphone?


towe75 picture towe75 · Jan 6, 2013

You can use various API's to place a phone call. As you already learned about the AMI you might find helpful.

Regarding your phone question: placing a phone call using the AMI Originate Action will first ring the extension's associated phone and when you take of the hook, asterisk will dial the target number. Therefore it's not importent which kind of phone (hard- or softphone, brand, ...) you're using. As long as the phone is registered in asterisk and bound to a certain extension it'll work.