Top "Assertions" questions

An assertion is a software construct where the developer states ("asserts") a condition that he believes will always be true.

Q_ASSERT release build semantics

I can't find a clear statement on the semantics of Q_ASSERT under release builds. If there is no assertion …

c++ qt assertions
Objective C - how to programmatically stop execution for debugging, while allowing continuation?

I have had success getting my debug builds to stop execution when a condition is programmatically specified, using the standard …

objective-c breakpoints assertions continuation
How did you extend your Assert class

I love to Extend my Assert.AreEqual to many different classes, the known one is the CollectionAssert of course, but …

c# unit-testing tdd assertions
Assert that value is equal to any of a collection of expected values

Does NUnit provide a constraint to find whether the actual value is the element of a given enumerable or array, …

c# .net nunit assertions fluent-interface
Is it possible to exclude some fields from assertJ usingFieldByFieldElementComparator?

How to achieve the below: List<Data> streams = new ArrayList<>(); assertThat(streams).usingFieldByFieldElementComparatorIgnoringGivenFields("createdOn").containsOnly(data1, …

java assertions assertj
Is there Kotlin equivalent for AssertJ library?

I am converting some tests from Java to Kotlin. For Java tests I use AssertJ library which is very powerful …

kotlin assertions kotlintest