How does one do integer (signed or unsigned) division on ARM?

Phonon picture Phonon · Dec 1, 2011 · Viewed 40.7k times · Source

I'm working on Cortex-A8 and Cortex-A9 in particular. I know that some architectures don't come with integer division, but what is the best way to do it other than convert to float, divide, convert to integer? Or is that indeed the best solution?

Cheers! = )


Willem Hengeveld picture Willem Hengeveld · Oct 16, 2012

Division by a constant value is done quickly by doing a 64bit-multiply and shift-right, for example, like this:

LDR     R3, =0xA151C331
UMULL   R3, R2, R1, R3
MOV     R0, R2,LSR#10

here R1 is divided by 1625. The calculation is done like this: 64bitreg(R2:R3) = R1*0xA151C331, then the result is the upper 32bit right shifted by 10:

R1*0xA151C331/2^(32+10) = R1*0.00061538461545751488 = R1/1624.99999980

You can calculate your own constants from this formula:

x / N ==  (x*A)/2^(32+n)   -->       A = 2^(32+n)/N

select the largest n, for which A < 2^32