How to use RIP Relative Addressing in a 64-bit assembly program?

Erik picture Erik · Jul 14, 2010 · Viewed 23.3k times · Source

How do I use RIP Relative Addressing in a Linux assembly program for the AMD64 archtitecture? I am looking for a simple example (a Hello world program) that uses the AMD64 RIP relative adressing mode.

For example the following 64-bit assembly program would work with normal (absolute addressing):

    .global _start

    mov $0xd, %rdx

    mov $msg, %rsi
    pushq $0x1
    pop %rax
    mov %rax, %rdi

    xor %rdi, %rdi
    pushq $0x3c
    pop %rax

    .ascii    "Hello world!\n"

I am guessing that the same program using RIP Relative Addressing would be something like:

    .global _start

    mov $0xd, %rdx

    mov msg(%rip), %rsi
    pushq $0x1
    pop %rax
    mov %rax, %rdi

    xor %rdi, %rdi
    pushq $0x3c
    pop %rax

    .ascii    "Hello world!\n"

The normal version runs fine when compiled with:

as -o hello.o hello.s && ld -s -o hello hello.o && ./hello

But I can't get the RIP version working.

Any ideas?

--- edit ----

Stephen Canon's answer makes the RIP version work.

Now when I disassemble the executable of the RIP version I get:

objdump -d hello

0000000000400078 <.text>:
  400078: 48 c7 c2 0d 00 00 00  mov    $0xd,%rdx
  40007f: 48 8d 35 10 00 00 00  lea    0x10(%rip),%rsi        # 0x400096
  400086: 6a 01                 pushq  $0x1
  400088: 58                    pop    %rax
  400089: 48 89 c7              mov    %rax,%rdi
  40008c: 0f 05                 syscall 
  40008e: 48 31 ff              xor    %rdi,%rdi
  400091: 6a 3c                 pushq  $0x3c
  400093: 58                    pop    %rax
  400094: 0f 05                 syscall 
  400096: 48                    rex.W
  400097: 65                    gs
  400098: 6c                    insb   (%dx),%es:(%rdi)
  400099: 6c                    insb   (%dx),%es:(%rdi)
  40009a: 6f                    outsl  %ds:(%rsi),(%dx)
  40009b: 20 77 6f              and    %dh,0x6f(%rdi)
  40009e: 72 6c                 jb     0x40010c
  4000a0: 64 21 0a              and    %ecx,%fs:(%rdx)

Which shows what I was trying to accomplish: lea 0x10(%rip),%rsi loads the address 17 bytes after the lea instruction which is address 0x400096 where the Hello world string can be found and thus resulting in position independent code.


Stephen Canon picture Stephen Canon · Jul 15, 2010

I believe that you want to load the address of your string into %rsi; your code attempts to load a quadword from that address rather than the address itself. You want:

lea msg(%rip), %rsi

if I'm not mistaken. I don't have a linux box to test on, however.