I have learned a bit of assembly code and also learned that there is't that much good tutorials on the internet for this. I was wondering about sending signals with to certain devices
ex. parallel ports, usb(perhaps)
I was wondering if there was any code anyone can share to lead me in the right direction. And in-case you didn't know by signal I mean sending out voltage.
So to sum it up I would like to know how to interact with certain ports with assembly
I am currently using DosBox for running assembly, and using flat assembler to program. This is all running on window 8.
Thanks in advance, 36redsoxfan
I'm not an fasm expert... But, according to this post... Which may or may not be for fasm...
Set your bios as Bidirectional Parallel port mode (SPP)
This sets the I/O permission:
mov eax,101 ; SYS_IOPERM
mov ebx,Base_Parallel ; 378H
mov ecx,Size ; 3
mov edx,1 ; Turn ON
int 80H
test eax,eax
js Error_Set_IO
To Write:
mov dx,37ah
in al,dx
and al,11011111b ; reset bit 5 ( Write mode)
out dx,al
mov al,0ffh ; turn on all 8 pin
mov dx,378h
out dx,al ; Write byte
To Read:
mov dx,37ah
in al,dx
or al,00100000b ; set bit 5 ( Read mode)
out dx,al
mov dx,378h
in al,dx ; Read byte