Need help understanding E8 asm call instruction x86

Michael picture Michael · Apr 30, 2012 · Viewed 13.2k times · Source

I need a helping hand in order to understand the following assembly instruction. It seems to me that I am calling a address at someUnknownValue += 20994A?

E8 32F6FFFF - call std::_Init_locks::operator=+20994A


Matthew Slattery picture Matthew Slattery · Apr 30, 2012

Whatever you're using to obtain the disassembly is trying to be helpful, by giving the target of the call as an offset from some symbol that it knows about -- but given that the offset is so large, it's probably confused.

The actual target of the call can be calculated as follows:

  • E8 is a call with a relative offset.
  • In a 32-bit code segment, the offset is specified as a signed 32-bit value.
  • This value is in little-endian byte order.
  • The offset is measured from the address of the following instruction.


<some address>       E8 32 F6 FF FF         call <somewhere>
<some address>+5     (next instruction)
  • The offset is 0xFFFFF632.
  • Interpreted as a signed 32-bit value, this is -0x9CE.
  • The call instruction is at <some address> and is 5 bytes long; the next instruction is at <some address> + 5.
  • So the target address of the call is <some address> + 5 - 0x9CE.