I need a helping hand in order to understand the following assembly instruction. It seems to me that I am calling a address at someUnknownValue += 20994A?
E8 32F6FFFF - call std::_Init_locks::operator=+20994A
Whatever you're using to obtain the disassembly is trying to be helpful, by giving the target of the call as an offset from some symbol that it knows about -- but given that the offset is so large, it's probably confused.
The actual target of the call can be calculated as follows:
is a call
with a relative offset.e.g.
<some address> E8 32 F6 FF FF call <somewhere>
<some address>+5 (next instruction)
instruction is at <some address>
and is 5 bytes long; the next instruction is at <some address> + 5
.<some address> + 5 - 0x9CE