Error reading assemblies: No assembly descriptors found

Luli picture Luli · Mar 3, 2011 · Viewed 56.9k times · Source

I get Error reading assemblies: No assembly descriptors found when building my project. I'm trying to set permissions for my .sh files and exclude a nasty .jar file that makes my application crash...I don't think the problem is about that though....

My maven-assembly plugin is added like this in my pom.xml file:


My assembly descriptor looks like this:

<assembly xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

The structure in my project is:

Interface - src - main - assembly - src.xml

          - pom.xml

When trying to do Run as -> Debug as -> and then in goal putting assembly:single

I get the same error. I tried in console, with assembly:assembly, and I got nothing. I even tried to put a wrong path to my assembly descriptor, but the error didn't change. When putting ${basedir}/ before the path to my assembly descriptor, I get the same.

I have Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, and I'm working with Eclipse EE,...



edrabc picture edrabc · Nov 15, 2012

I have been using version 2.3 of maven-assembly-plugin, but I believe the problem is the same: if the assembly configuration is declared inside an execution, it works from mvn package, but does not work from mvn assembly:assembly.

The solution I have found is to declare the configuration in the top-level configuration of the plugin, and keep the execution as small as possible:
