I am writing a High Performance ASP.NET Json API with soon > 1000 Request/Second. All my logic and processing is done in an IHttpHandler. I measured via Stopwatch Class and the handler finishes a request in around 0,1 - 0,5 Millisecond.
But it seems IIS and/or other HTTPHandlers (Modules?) are taking away a lot of performance. Can i measure that somehow ? How much overhead will a request produce in IIS when configured for best performance ?
Will removing all those HTTPHandlers help, or are there other tricks to speed it up? I dont need much of the ASP.NET Featureset besides Session (could even workaround that if it give a significant performance boost).
Measuring performance of a web server is no trivial task. A few things to consider:
NOTE 1: know your tools. ASP.NET runs each request in its own thread. Thread swapping is faster than process swapping, but it still requires time. If other handlers take time because they are in the request chain, it's beneficial to disable them.
NOTE 2: one of the original side-goals of stackoverflow was to create a site in ASP.NET that had great performance on max 2 servers and could handle > 1Mln visitors per hour. They managed to do that. I believe they wrote some blogposts on it, but I don't remember where they are.