Avoid web.config inheritance in child web application using inheritInChildApplications

Blankman picture Blankman · Apr 23, 2009 · Viewed 188.5k times · Source

I am trying to add

<location inheritInChildApplications="false">

to my parent web application's web.config but it doesn't seem to be working.

My parent's web.config has:


    // 10 or so custom config sections like log4net, hibernate,






    <location ..>


My child web application is setup as an application in IIS, and is inheriting from the parent's web.config which is causing problems.

Where exactly should I place the

<location inheritInChildApplications="false">

so it ignores all the various web.config settings?


Nick Cecil picture Nick Cecil · May 11, 2011

As the commenters for the previous answer mentioned, you cannot simply add the line...

<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">

...just below <configuration>. Instead, you need to wrap the individual web.config sections for which you want to disable inheritance. For example:

<!-- disable inheritance for the connectionStrings section -->
<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">

<!-- leave inheritance enabled for appSettings -->

<!-- disable inheritance for the system.web section -->
<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">


While <clear /> may work for some configuration sections, there are some that instead require a <remove name="..."> directive, and still others don't seem to support either. In these situations, it's probably appropriate to set inheritInChildApplications="false".