How do I Validate the File Type of a File Upload?

Yaakov Ellis picture Yaakov Ellis · Sep 16, 2008 · Viewed 142.7k times · Source

I am using <input type="file" id="fileUpload" runat="server"> to upload a file in an ASP.NET application. I would like to limit the file type of the upload (example: limit to .xls or .xlsx file extensions).

Both JavaScript or server-side validation are OK (as long as the server side validation would take place before the files are being uploaded - there could be some very large files uploaded, so any validation needs to take place before the actual files are uploaded).


Jamie picture Jamie · Sep 16, 2008

Seems like you are going to have limited options since you want the check to occur before the upload. I think the best you are going to get is to use javascript to validate the extension of the file. You could build a hash of valid extensions and then look to see if the extension of the file being uploaded existed in the hash.


<input type="file" name="FILENAME"  size="20" onchange="check_extension(this.value,"upload");"/>
<input type="submit" id="upload" name="upload" value="Attach" disabled="disabled" />


var hash = {
  'xls'  : 1,
  'xlsx' : 1,

function check_extension(filename,submitId) {
      var re = /\..+$/;
      var ext = filename.match(re);
      var submitEl = document.getElementById(submitId);
      if (hash[ext]) {
        submitEl.disabled = false;
        return true;
      } else {
        alert("Invalid filename, please select another file");
        submitEl.disabled = true;

        return false;