403 - Forbidden on basic MVC 3 deploy on iis7.5

Ben Finkel picture Ben Finkel · May 16, 2011 · Viewed 24.9k times · Source

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I am trying to deploy a basic MVC 3 application to my 2008 R2 Server running iis 7.5 but receive a "403 - Forbidden" error trying to view my page.

I have anonymous authentication enabled, and my app pool is using the "ApplicationPoolIdentity" in integrated pipeline mode with .net 4.0. I don't know what "user" the "ApplicationPoolIdentity" is, but I've given IUSR read/write rights to the website folder.

I don't have any other authentication schemes in place, the server is not even running in a domain.

If I put a default html page in there, it loads fine. It's only my methods/controllers that I cannot get to function.

How else can I troubleshoot this?



Michael Shimmins picture Michael Shimmins · May 16, 2011

Run aspnet_regiis -i. Often I've found you need to do that to get 4.0 apps to work. Open a command prompt:

cd \
cd Windows\Microsoft .NET\Framework\v4.xxx.xxx
aspnet_regiis -i

Once it has installed and registered, make sure you application is using an application pool that is set to .NET 4.0.