How to add users in IIS Manager for an ASP.NET 4.0 application?

Slauma picture Slauma · May 30, 2010 · Viewed 16.6k times · Source

I have installed an ASP.NET 4.0 Web forms application in IIS 7.5. If I set the application pool to DefaultAppPool (.NET Framework 2.0) I get the icons for Providers, .NET-Roles and .NET-Users displayed on the configuration page for the application in IIS Manager and I can manage users and roles within IIS. (I'm using Forms authentication.)

But if I set the application pool to ASP.NET v4.0 I get a problem: Double clicking on the icons for Users or Roles in IIS Manager throws an error telling me that I cannot use these features since the providers could not be determined as trusted. If I set in administration.config in the trustedProviders section allowUntrustedProviders="true" and double click again on one of the icons I get the error that the assembly System.Web, Version, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a could not be found. If I restart IIS Manager the icons disappear completely.

.NET Framework 4.0 is definitely installed. So this is all quite confusing. I know that .NET 4 uses another GAC than the old one for .NET 2-3. Could it be possible that IIS Manager is not able to find the new GAC for .NET 4? Do I have to add perhaps some of the new 4.0 assemblies to administration.config? Is there another way to add users and roles instead of IIS?

Thank you for help in advance!


Terence Golla picture Terence Golla · Feb 14, 2011

There is a simple work around that is much easier than building administration pages.

  1. Create a new site on your server. You can name it MembershipAdminstrationYourActualSiteName. Binding does not matter as you will not be executing any pages on this site, but make sure it is running in the 2.0 default application pool.

  2. Copy the web.config from your 4.0 site to the folder for the new site. Edit the file removing everything except the connectionString, authentication, memebership, roleManager and profile sections.

  3. Now in IIS Manager access .NET Roles and .NET Users. Assuming you correctly edited the web.config file you should see the users and roles for your 4.0 application.