Minify HTML output from an ASP.Net MVC Application

mynameiscoffey picture mynameiscoffey · Jan 20, 2010 · Viewed 35.3k times · Source

This is likely a duplicate of the below question but the only answer is a dead link:
Minify Html output of ASP.NET Application

When working with ASP.Net one of the more annoying aspects to me is the fact that Visual Studio puts spaces instead of tabs for white spacing which increases the size of the final HTML. I originally thought of simply changing Visual Studio settings to use tabs instead but then others on my team will still end up overlaying with spaces anyway.

My question is two fold: first is there a way to on a per project setting to change if spaces or tabs are used (and is it even worthwhile if so) and second, is there a way to simply minify all of the views when generated?


naivists picture naivists · Jan 20, 2010

Enabling GZIP will have much more effect than minifying your HTML, anyway.

Doing minification at runtime could hurt your servers (assuming you don't use caching). It may be a good idea to minfiy your Asp.Net markup during deployment. This way, you still have a non-minified version of code in your code repository, and a minified version on the server. Think of a deployment process where you invoke an HTML minifier (for instance, this tool by Dean Hume looks promising) on all .aspx files.