modalpopupextender and commas appearing in my textbox

NibblyPig picture NibblyPig · Oct 19, 2009 · Viewed 17.1k times · Source

Some weird stuff is happening, I am converting an application that used to use javascript to open another web page in a tiny window for data input to use a ModalPopupExtender.

It seems to work fine, but in the OK event, when I do txtData.Text (the textbox in my modal popup), it comes back with a comma before the data, so if you type "Rabbit", it comes back as ",Rabbit".

Also when I use it multiple times, in another place where I might click to show it, and type "Fish", it starts coming back with stuff like ",Rabbit,,Fish"

I don't know why or how to stop it from doing this... any ideas?


Roman Royter picture Roman Royter · Nov 18, 2009

Same here. No clue for why it happens. Every postback initiated by buttons within the panel adds commas and previous values to all text fields.

Hooking into TextBox.Text setter revealed that the corrupted data comes from postdata collection. So it means that just before postback the ModalPopupExtender corrupts the data.

P.S. I'm not using UpdatePanel, but regular Panel so there are no triggers associated with buttons.

Updated: Solution found.

The problem seems to go away when rolling back to May's release of AjaxToolKit (