Javascript : Enter Key Press

Geetha picture Geetha · Aug 5, 2009 · Viewed 9.9k times · Source

Good Morning...

I am using java script in each page to trigger the Enter key press Event inside the textbox. It is working fine. Now i want to place the code in the .js file for global access.

 function EnterKeyPress(id,e) {
       // look for window.event in case event isn't passed in
       if (window.event) { e = window.event; }
       if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 121) {

           window.document.getElementById('<%= ibtnSubmit.ClientID %>').click();

I dont want to hard code the control id. Can anybody help me please..


Christian C. Salvad&#243; picture Christian C. Salvadó · Aug 5, 2009

You can use your id parameter instead of the ControlID, and when you use this function in your pages, you can pass the ControlID as a parameter:

function EnterKeyPress(id,e) {
  if (window.event) { e = window.event; }
   if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 121) {

You are using ASP .NET, so in your code-behind you can assign the keypress event:

                      string.Format("EnterPressKey('{0}', event);", ibtnSubmit.ClientID));

But wait, that functionality is already done on ASP .NET, you can use ASP:Panel controls to wrap your common controls, and you can assign a DefaultButton for the panel to indicate which button gets clicked when the Panel control has focus and the user presses the Enter key.