I would like to display some memory statistics (working set, GCs etc.) on a web page using the .NET/Process performance counters. Unfortunately, if there are multiple application pools on that server, they are differentiated using an index (#1, #2 etc.) but I don't know how to match a process ID (which I have) to that #xx index. Is there a programmatic way (from an ASP.NET web page)?
private static string GetProcessInstanceName(int pid)
PerformanceCounterCategory cat = new PerformanceCounterCategory("Process");
string[] instances = cat.GetInstanceNames();
foreach (string instance in instances)
using (PerformanceCounter cnt = new PerformanceCounter("Process",
"ID Process", instance, true))
int val = (int) cnt.RawValue;
if (val == pid)
return instance;
throw new Exception("Could not find performance counter " +
"instance name for current process. This is truly strange ...");