I created some web apis and when an error happens the api returns HttpResponseMessage that is created with CreateErrorResponse message. Something like this:
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(
HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Failed to find customer.");
My problem is that I cannot figure out how to retrieve the message (in this case "Failed to find customer.") in consumer application.
Here's a sample of the consumer:
private static void GetCustomer()
var client = new HttpClient();
new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
string data =
"{\"LastName\": \"Test\", \"FirstName\": \"Test\"";
var content = new StringContent(data, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var httpResponseMessage =
new Uri("http://localhost:55202/api/Customer/Find"),
if (httpResponseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var cust = httpResponseMessage.Content.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Make sure you set the accept and or content type appropriately (possible source of 500 errors on parsing the request content):
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json");
Then you could just do:
var errorMessage = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
That's all on the client of course. WebApi should handle the formatting of the content appropriately based on the accept and/or content type. Curious, you might also be able to throw new HttpResponseException("Failed to find customer.", HttpStatusCode.NotFound);