How to send model object in Html.RenderAction (MVC3)

Michael picture Michael · Jan 22, 2012 · Viewed 46.2k times · Source

I'm using MVC3 razor, and I'm trying to pass an object to a partial view, and it's not working.

This works fine without sending the object model to the partial view:

Html.RenderAction("Index", "ViewName");

Trying this doesn't sent the model object, i'm getting nulls instead (the object has data, and the view expects it):'

Html.RenderAction("Index", "ViewName", objectModel);

Is this even possible using RenderAction?


Edit: I found the error, there was an error with the controller's action that didn't pick up the sent object. Thanks for all your help!


theJerm picture theJerm · May 3, 2013

You can actually pass an object to a controller method using Action. This can be done on any avaialble view, for instance I have one in a shared library that gets built to project bin folders that reference my shared project (properties - Copy if newer on the view file, in Visual Studio). It is done like so:


public class GroovyController : Controller
    public ActionResult MyTestView(MyModel m)
        var viewPath = @"~\bin\CommonViews\MyTestView";
        return View(viewPath, m);

MVC page (using Razor syntax):

@Html.Action("MyTestView", "Groovy", new { m = Model })

or using RenderAction method:

@{ Html.RenderAction("MyTestAction", "MyTestController", new { area = "area", m = Model }); }

Note: in the @Html.Action(), the Model object must be of type MyModel and that 3rd parameter must be set to the controller variable name, of which mine is MyModel m. The m is what you must assign to, so I do m = Model.