In my MVC 3 Razor app, I have a Model with an enum..
Model Example:
public class EmployeeModel
public enum Title
Accountant = 111,
Sales = 222,
Production = 333
public string Name {get; set;}
public Title JobTitle {get; set;}
In my View I would like to use the Html helpers to build an Html Form...
View Example:
@model ..Models.EmployeeModel
@using (Html.BeginForm())
@Html.LabelFor(m => m.Name)
@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Name)
@Html.LabelFor(m => m.JobTitle)
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.JobTitle, ??How do I get Title enum values??)
<input type="submit />
The output of the DropDownListFor that I trying to achieve would look like this: Note the option values match the initialized values of the enum
<select name="JobTitle">
<option value="-1">Choose a Job Title</option>
<option value="111">Accountant</option>
<option value="222">Sales</option>
<option value="333">Production</option>
How do I get the DropDownListFor<> helper to create a select/option element based on the Title enum of the Model?
Also, is it possible to have the DropDownListFor<> helper to add an extra (that is not part of the enum) similar to the "Choose a Job Title" option in the example above?
You could possibly get a String[]
with the names of the enum values and create a dropdown from that. In your view model, add a property Titles
of type SelectListItem
and add the enum values and names to that. You can get the names and values through the System.Enum
var defaultItem = new SelectListItem();
defaultItem.Value = -1;
defaultItem.Text = "Choose a title";
defaultItem.Selected = true;
String[] names = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(Title));
Int[] values = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(Title));
for (int i = 0; i<names.Length; i++)
var item = new SelectListItem();
item.Text = names[i];
item.Value = values[i];
It's kind of ugly, but it'll work.